07.10.2022 - oxalis management meeting
Paul Simons, Arun Kumar, Anders Ødegård, Rolf Lysfjord
Presentation in the Open Peppol meeting (20 min)
Reuse work also from the working group to Rune
Input from Arun to the presentation
Make sure to mention PINT/ddts
@Anders will prepare together with Paul and Arun to get the presentation ready.
Pint/DDTS test is done.
We have achieved to verify oxalis with the necessary requirements.
When will this go into production? Rolled out next year?
Increased interest in the market for the topic.
How can we market this:
peppol presentation 3rd of november
STEP 2: oxalis.network - Share the presentation and info from linkedin to an article: @Rolf and @Therese.
STEP 1: Linkedin article from @Arun - shared by everyone
Norstella - economic situation
Norstella is using more hours then defined in agreement (25%), but they will not charge more then 25%.
Suggestion from Paul: increase costs with 10% on current membership fees.
Suggestion from Arun: benefit to have one membership category.
Rolf: increase in 10% will not help alone, we need new members.
The membership fee level and structure of memberships should be discussed in work group for Rune. The group should end up with a recommendation to the oxalis management group.
Reporting is postponed should we focus more on BPC?
❗ Meeting decided that Arun will focus more time to make estimations and analyzing on what it means to support this.
Java upgarde project
Arun is working on upgrading java in the different repositories that is affected.
Work is going as planned.
AS2 is depricated, but is not removed from oxalis.
This will clean up code and make it easier to maintain code.
❗ We will start removing AS2 from code.
Investigate how we can send the google form to collect information from oxalis user.
@Rolf will check this up with Therese. Could also be an oppertunity to inform users about other things as well.
CTC is becoming more relevant with POC in France
Arun: No need to make any changes in oxalis in order to support.
Open actions from previous meeting
@Rolf is working to get a list of contact persons from Open Peppol. (it will cost).
Will schedule new meeting and continue work. @Rune schedule next meeting.