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12.08.2022 - oxalis OMT meeting


 Paul Simons, Rune Lindseth, Anders Ødegård, Rolf Lysfjord, Arun Kumar, Stein Skogseth, Jon Arve Risan



PINT/DDTS changes are nowready to be tested



Do we have any  pilots ongoing with oxalis? 


DigDir And Erlend Repository management under oxalis Community



Reporting Requirements

Analyzing started.

Should only be available for regular or gold members!?


Oxalis support for latest LTS java version

40% completed



To be revised for new users. 


For more details for the above points,  see Arun's ppt. presented in the meeting. 



Technical meeting

will be held as planned in september. 

Stein will facilitate this together with Arun.




Economic situation

We need to make though prioritizations. 

Left to spend  is 8899' Euro need to cover, adm., support and development. 

New members is the only way to get more income in the short term. 


Technical Expert replacement for Stein

To be postponed due to economic situation.

Stein will continue to support on low level until further notice. 



--> Campaign - Send a e-mail to the list of members that we have

  • Will be followed up as a breakout project

  • Rune - will take charge of a small group to come up with suggestions

    • Rune, Paul, Therese and Rolf?

  • Ideas discussed in meeting

    • Can it be that we can apply for some EU fundings?

    • are we talking to the right people?

    • Should Peppol Authorities be challenged to support in order to keep an active opens source community?

--> Investigate if we can raise the fee without GAM. @Norstella - Jon Arve/Rolf ?

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