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23.09.2022 - oxalis management meeting


Paul Simons, Rune Lindseth, Risto Collanus, Jon Arve Risan, Rolf Lysfjord, Arun Kumar, Stein Skogseth, Anders Ødegård



Status from Arun 23th of september. 


Discussed java upgarde project

Java version 17 is not a problem for most, but some have some issue for backward compatibility. 


Reporting feature in Oxalis

  • feedback from technical meeting was positive, but some oxalis user already have support for this.

Decided development priorities from last meeting

1- Oxalis support for LTS java version

2- Reporting requirements

 - analyzing of country code support and xml export from oxalis db. 

3- Github issues



Creating google form where participants can come with feedback to us. 

Arun is working on this.

BPC - one participant requested support for

--> Anders will follow up and respond to Richard. 


CEF compliance - need be evaluted together with BPC needs.

Increased Slack participants from 18 to 64 participants after Technical Meeting. 👍🎉✨


Getting more revenue for developing Oxalis

We have had one meeting. 

How much money do we need in order to be in a comfortable level of revenue. 

Reach out to the level of Product Owner and Product Managers. 



  • Rolf is working to get a list of contact persons from Open Peppol. (it will cost).

  • Paul will ask Mairi to get some time to get some time. @Paul 

  • Will schedule new meeting and continue work. Rune schedule next meeting. 

  • Anders will ask Erlend how they did get overview of oxalis users and the version that they were using when Difi was in charge. 


  • arrange meetings where we can meet the right people. 

  • Arun suggestion have similar meeting as technical meeting for also roles above




Rolf have investigated different funding programs. At this moment it is not so many funding programs we can apply on. 

Arun comment: Either you help yourself, or become a member to ask help from us.  People creating new issues will need to fill in template and be a member to get help. Arun will make example how this could work in our next meeting. NB! important that we state the expecations for support... I guess this will open up som old discussions, but let us see how this could work in github. 



In next meeting we will get a new status on the economic situation. 

Norstella suggests to simplify membership model. 

Survey from the start showed that 47,8 % wanted a flat membership model. 

Look at the EESPA model in order to define different levels of membership fees?

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